Black Friday is growing in popularity year on year in Australia – which is great news for consumers!
- Australians’ Growing Love For Black Friday Sales
- Black Friday Spending Habits
- Black Friday Sales To Look Out For In 2019
In 2018, Black Friday saw a 663 per cent increase in global spending! And while Black Friday is a relatively new concept in Australia – shoppers are catching on to the potential for a Black Friday bargain … and fast. According to Google Trends data Australia has seen a whopping 614 per cent growth in interest in Black Friday sales over the past five years.
Black Friday looks set to forever change the Australian shopping scene. But what to expect from Black Friday 2019? Below we take a look at what was hot in 2018, and offer lessons learned for those looking to repeat the fun in 2019!
Australians’ Growing Love For Black Friday Sales
Black Friday is no longer a deal-o-rama reserved for our American consumer cousins. The shopping day is now celebrated around the world, spreading the savings joy far and wide!
In Australia, Black Friday is an increasingly popular sale day for businesses, and shoppers are becoming attune to the concept and excited about the savings they can make. Every year there are more and more Australian stores taking part in Black Friday sales – so if you’re looking to save money on some big-ticket wish-list items, this may just be your chance.
It’s not just physical stores that are dishing out the sale action either. November 2018 recorded the highest online retail turnover in Australian history, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), with a turnover 3.6 per cent higher than the same period in 2017.
If you’re wondering whether it’s better to face the crowds or pick up your smartphone on Black Friday – don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to the ABS Australian shoppers like to do both in equal measure, and although there may be some deals that are only available in bricks-and-mortar stores, or only available online, at the end of the day it comes down to your personal preference. If you get a kick out of rubbing shoulders with swathes of eager shoppers, by all means head into the shops! It can be quite a buzz!

Black Friday Spending Habits
The peak shopping activity on Black Friday occurs between 10am and 2pm, with the average Australian now buying around four products during the sale period. In 2019 Australians plan on spending, on average, A$375 per person both instore and online on Black Friday!
According to the Australia Bureau of Statistics, consumers were so enamoured by Black Friday sales in 2018 that retail sales for December – ordinarily the busiest period of the year – fell significantly. Because this year’s Black Friday falls so close to December (it’s November 29 – put it in your diary!), the lines between December sales and Black Friday sales are likely to be blurred. Not that this matters much to shoppers, of course. The timing of Black Friday this year simply means there’s more incentive to get your Christmas shopping done on Black Friday!
Black Friday Sales To Look Out For In 2019
So what’s likely to be hot in the Black Friday sales for 2019? If previous Black Fridays in Australia are anything to go by, shoppers this year will be most drawn to deals on clothing, electronics, cosmetics, perfumes, and home and garden products.
Gaming equipment is always a big Black Friday seller, and is likely to be so again – so keep an eye out on the JB Hi-Fi and Harvey Norman Black Friday sales if gaming is your thing!
Laptops are often also great deals on Black Friday, as are cameras, smartphones, and other gadgets like home automation systems.
While it’s a great idea to keep an eye on all your favourite bricks-and-mortar stores, there’s likely to be a buzz of competition in the online world this year. With global superpowers like Amazon and eBay always looking to compete for Australian consumer dollars, Black Friday 2019 was recently made even more interesting thanks to Bunnings Warehouse’s announcement they will launch a new online marketplace called MarketLink just in time for this year’s Black Friday sales!
An exciting development for sure! We’ll be sure to keep you posted as we learn more about this new kid on the block.
With Black Friday 2019 in just a few short weeks, are you ready to make the most of the amazing deals and discounts on offer? If you’re looking for tricks for saving money in the Black Friday sales, check out our hot tips here.